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Jimmy's Jots

Well, the Super Bowl is this Sunday. The Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers

will battle it out in Super Bowl 2024. One teams fans will be elated and celebrating while the

other teams fans will be disappointed. All the teams, including the Cowboys (my team), have

been challenged this season. But through all of the challenges one team will end up winning the

Super Bowl. As for fans of all the other teams you can look back and see where your favorite

team had their problems and challenges and weren’t playing up to par. There were mistakes

made and because of those mistakes it cost them the game. But now the season has ended, the

games are over with and another season is just around the corner. The nervousness and tension

that we felt in those challenges and losses aren’t present now. Everything is fine now and life

goes on.

There will be times in our lives where we face challenges and things aren’t going to go as

we have planned. We are going to fall and make mistakes in our lives. The road isn’t always

going to be smooth. It is in these times where we know everything will work out in time.

Everything will be fine and life will continue. This is because we have the very presence of God

with us. This Divine Presence is always available to us.

There will be times in our life when we are on the mountain top. But we know the

mountain top experience will not last forever and we have to face those valleys again. Thus

begins our journey of faith. We have help in our times such as these. We have God with us at

all times and therefore prayer is something we should practice on a daily basis. We have our

friends and our faith groups that we can meet with to help us in these struggles. We also have

our times of worship where we can be lifted up. We may have faced some challenges and lost a

game or two. Those games we lost are in the past now. With each new day comes a new

beginning. With a new beginning comes new possibilities. The days we have are a gift from

God. Let the way we live those days be a gift to God.

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