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Jimmy's Jots

Updated: Jan 10

Seasons of the Christian Year

Have you ever wondered about the seasons of the Christian year and some of the different days that are celebrated?  You might see those names written on your worship bulletins but have you ever wondered how they came to be or what they are really celebrating and how they have meaning for us today?  Let me give you a list of the seasons of the Christian year.


Advent – 4 Sundays before Christmas

Christmas – December 25 – January 5

Sundays after Epiphany – Sundays leading up to Lent

Lent – 40 days prior to Easter beginning with Ash Wednesday

Holy Week – The week before Easter

Easter – Easter day and lasts for 50 days

Day of Pentecost – Celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples

Sundays after Pentecost – Time until Advent


That gives you a little breakdown into the Christian seasons.  During these times there are names given to certain Sundays.  The first Sunday we come to after the first of the year is Epiphany Sunday.  This is the Sunday I would like to talk about.

Epiphany is one of the oldest seasons of the church year.  In other areas of the world it is known by other names such as Three Kings Day or the Adoration of the Magi.  But what does it really mean?  Why celebrate Epiphany Sunday?  Epiphany is a time where God in and through Christ is made known to the entire world.  Christ was born for both Jew and Gentile, man and woman, for us and for those on the other side of the globe.  The light of God leads all of us and shines for all of us to see.

You will notice that the colors in the sanctuary will change and this is a reminder for us that this is a season for us to grow into.  We go from listening for God during the Advent to incarnating God during the Christmas season to being sent into the world because of the hearing of the word and how that word has shaped our lives.  It is a time to begin reaching out, a time to share Jesus Christ with others.  Let us begin sharing with others how Christ has changed and shaped our lives and how He can do the same for others.  The disciples were changed when the Spirit fell upon them.  Allow us to open ourselves up to that same Spirit as it falls upon us.

I invite you to be a changed people.  I invite you to share with others a life in Jesus Christ.  Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”  Shine your light for all to see.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jimmy  

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